Die Werte von Vizulo

From all of the forces in nature, it's the river's presence that inspires us the most. The river's speed, persistence, and flexibility flow through the values our process is built-on. We will continue to carve our path, innovate, and create quality design lighting. It's no mystery that VIZULO means the shimmering surface of the water.

Über Vizulo

We are an energy-efficient lighting solution company specializing in street, territory, commercial, industrial, and architectural LED lighting. VIZULO stands for beautiful product design, high technical parameters, and excellent quality. With great new and existing products and ongoing projects, the company keeps expanding its business and create new solutions for municipalities and entrepreneurs to create a better and safer lighting for people and the environment.

Unser Management

In the beginning, I thought Vizulo would be delivering lighting solutions to ensure the highest energy efficiency for our clients. Nowadays, we use different types of sensors and smart lighting management systems to distribute light where and when it's needed. So, in a curious way - these solutions are often more about darkness than light!

Jānis Zeltiņš Chief Executive Officer

Als wir begannen - 2013, mit einem zehnköpfigen Team - beschlossen wir, dass die Kernwerte von Vizulo Flexibilität, Siegeswille, Geschwindigkeit, Qualität und Innovation sein sollten. Das Festhalten an diesen Werten hat es uns ermöglicht, zu wachsen und die größten Modernisierungsprojekte für Straßenbeleuchtung in Nordeuropa umzusetzen.

Linda Zeltiņa R&D director

Urkunden und Auszeichnungen

  • ENEC
  • CE
  • EAC
  • RoHS
  • cUL
  • Kema Keur
  • ENEC Plus
  • Zhaga zdi4
  • International EPD System
  • Byggvarubedömningen Accepted
  • Casambi
  • DarkSky Approved