198 - 264
50 - 60
100 - 250
Up to 21665
Up to 168
0 to +40
Body: Aluminium profile
Dimming: DALI / Bluetooth / Non dimmable
Spectrum: Fixed / Tunable
Initial chromaticity: MacAdam 3
Lifetime: 50 000 h (L90B10) at Ta = 25 °C*
Warranty: 5 years
Mounting: On Profile / Surface / Pendant
Cover: Tempered glass
* This value is only informative and may change according to selected article. LED Lifetime is strongly depending from LEDs current and junction temperature – increase in LED current and luminaire power lead to increase of junction temperature and as consequence lifetime decrease. Thus, luminaire models with lower power, lower current (and lower junction temperature) will have higher lifetime than standard models. And high power and high current luminaire models may have negative lifetime deviation comparing to standard models. To receive precise value please contact VIZULO export representatives.
Technical parameters for final product can differ from typical data by 7% due to special conditions of LED manufacturing processes